Monday, 23 May 2016

Pencil Sketch . A village in Assam (India) 

A Pencil Sketch. Ruddy Sheldrake is a distinctive duck with beautiful rusty orange plumage. The head is lighter than the body, with a white face and crown and often a dusky patch at the rear of the head .The legs and feet are both black

Sunday, 22 May 2016

My interest in birds has taken me to country side, Kaziranga National Park, Arunachal Pradesh and Dibru-Saikhowa National Park. Dibru-Saikhowa National Park is mix grassland provides an ideal habitat for over 500 species of birds. This is an adult Verdita Flycatcher. It is found throughout south east asia. This bird is blue colour. The male has a dark patch around its eyes. So you can see that my sketch of this bird has dark patch around its eyes. So obviously its a male. More of my sketches of our feathered friends are forthcoming...

This bird is called Pallas's Fish Eagle, also known as Pallas's Sea Eagle, is a large, brownish sea-eagle. It has a light brown hood over a white face. The wings are dark brown, darker underneath. The tail is black. Its diet consists primarily of large freshwater fish. Besides direct persecution, humans contribute to the decline of this species through habitat degradation and pollution.